Baaq Shacab, Peoples’ Declaration

Baaq Shacab


18ka May 2020

Annaga oo ah muwaadiniinta reer Somaliland ee magacyadoodu hoos ku saxeexan yihiin waxa aanu maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 18ka May 2020 soo saarnay Baaq Shacab:

Maanta waxa ay ku beegan tahay sagaal iyo labaatan guuradii xuska dharaartii lagaga dhawaaqay magaalada Burco gooni-isu-taagga Somaliland; kadib wadatashi shacab oo ay horseed u ahaayeen ergo meteleysay gobollada dalka oo dhan. Ujeeddada iyo yoolka loo unkay qaran madax-bannaan oo ay hantiyaan dadwaynaha Somaliland waxa ahayd in la dhiso “dawladnimo ummadda wada deeqda, la mahadiyo, kuna dhisan sinnaan iyo caddaalad,” sida ku qoran Dastuurka Somaliland. Dawladnimada ay wada dhisteen shacabka Somaliland waxa mabaadi’ u ah:

            b.   Shareecada Islaamka.

t.    Go’aan qaadasho ku timaadda talo-wadaag.

j.    Isu-dheellitirnaanta awoodda dawladnimo oo u qaybsanta Sharci-dejinta, Fulinta iyo

x.   Baahinta iyo hoos-u-daadejinta maamulka Xukuumadda (Decentralisaiton).

kh. Damaanad-qaadista lahaanshaha gaar ahaaneed iyo xaq dhowridda suuqa xorta ah.

d.  Qiimo-weynida nolosha qofka oo la imanaysa sugidda xuquuqda asaasiga ah iyo 
      xorriyadaha qofka.

e.   Nabadgelyo iyo habsami kula dhaqanka dawladaha gobolka iyo adduunweynaha.


Annaga oo ogsoon dadaalka naf hurista ah ee bulshada Somaliland ugu jiraan ilaalinta nabada, wadajirka shacabka iyo kobcinta nolosha taas oo keentay guulo ballaadhan oo adduunku mahadiyay, waxa aan indhaha laga qarsan karin, habboonna in la is-waydiiyo sagaal iyo labaatan sanadood kadib Dawladda Somaliland ma tahay mid ku shaqaynaysa si waafaqsan rabitaanka shacabka iyo yoolkii aasaaska qarankan, kaas oo ku dhisan mabaadi’da Dastuuriga ah ee sinnaanta muwaadiniinta, caddaaladda, talo-wadaagga, is-dheelitirka awoodaha iyo sugidda xuquuqda aasaasiga ah iyo xorriyadda qofka.

Ergadii ku dhawaaqday Somaliland 18kii May 1991 iyo shacabkii u codeeyey Dastuurka 2001 waxa ay ku heshiiyeen in dawladnimadu noqoto mid ka bedqabta cudurrada dilaaga ah ee ay ka mid yihiin qabyaaladda, eexda, sed bursiga iyo isu joojin la’aanta. Waxa kale oo ay ku heshiiyeen in la ilaaliyo xorriyaadka muwaadiniinta ee cabbiridda aragtida, ka qayb qaadashada siyaasadda iyo xuquuqaha madaniga ah.

Taas beddelkeeda, Somaliland waxa ka dhaca ku-tumasho sharci, xadhig siyaasadeed iyo cabudhin ka dhan ah warbaahinta, siyaasiyiinta, iyo muwaadiniinta cabbira aragtiyohooda. Waxa kale oo si joogto ah u dhaca ku-xadgudub madaxbannaanida Golayaasha Sharcidejinta iyo Garsoorka oo aan shaqadooda u madax bannaanayn, iyada oo xadhigga xildhibaannada iyo masuuliyiinta xisbiyada mucaaradku yihiin kuwo soo noqnoqda. Deeqaha iyo miisaaniyadda Somaliland looma qaybiyo si caddaalad ah oo ay u siman yihiin gobollada dalka oo dhan.

Si ka duwan mabaadii’dii  lagu unkay dalkan, aragtida dawladnimada Somaliland waxa saldhig u noqday qabyaalad, eex, sed-bursi iwm. Iyada oo shaqo-gelinta shaqaale hoosaadka ilaa xulushada masuulka xafiiska dawladeed ee sare lagu eego indhaha qabiilka oo keliya ah. Somaliland, waxay dawladdii Siyaad Barre kala mid tahay ku-urursanaanta maamulka ee caasimadda. Marka laga reebo hay’adaha dakhli ururinta iyo ciidammada, gobollada dalka waxa gabaabsi ka ah 
daadegsanaanta maamulka iyada oo aanay jirin dareen ka war haya dawladnimo oo nolosha muwaadinka kor u qaada.

Waxa marag ma-doon ah in dawladdu ka leexatay gaadhista yoolkii loo abuuray. Dhammaan dadkii dhashay 1991 iyo wixii ka danbeeyey weligood ma helin fursad ay ugu codeeyaan Baarlamaan metela. Waxa baahsan shaqo la’aanta, sinnaan la’aanta, caddaalad darada iyada oo hoos u dhaca wayni ku yimi wada-tashiga iyo ixtiraamka xuquuqda aasaasiga ah iyo xorriyaadka qofka.

Waxa aanu u aragnaa in Dawladda Somaliland baal martay heshiisyadii lagu galay shirarkii Burco ee 27kii April ilaa 5tii May 1991, ShirkiiBoorame ee 24kii January ilaa 25kii May 1993kii iyo Dastuurka Somaliland ee la ansixiyay 2001.

Sidaas darteed, Baaqan Shacab ee ay soo saareen saxeexayaashu wuxuu ugu yeedhayaa dawladda Somaliland inay ku soo noqoto heshiisyada bulsho, ixtiraamto dastuurka oo ay dalka ku soo dabaasho hanaan dimoqraadi ah, sinaan iyo caddaalad.



Peoples’ Declaration


18ka May 2020


We, the undersigned Somalilanders, issued today, 18th May 2020, the Peoples’ Declaration:

Today marks the 29th anniversary of the day the restoration of independence of Somaliland was declared in Burao by delegates representing all the regions of Somaliland. The objective and goal for establishing a separate sovereign state were to found “a state appreciated by all, and which is founded on equality and justice” as enshrined in the Constitution of Somaliland. According to the Constitution, the statehood established by the people of Somaliland is built on the following principles:

            a. Islamic Sharia;

b. Conclusions from various consultations;

c. Separation of powers of the state as between the legislative, executive and judiciary;

d. The decentralization of the administration of the government;

e. Guarantees of property rights and the protection of the free market;

f. Sanctity of human life through the entrenchment of fundamental rights and individual freedoms;

g. Peaceful and proper co-existence with the states of the region and worldwide.

We recognize the sacrifice the people of Somaliland make to strengthen peace, stability, coexistence, and improvement of life and the huge achievements made which attracted well-deserved international praise. We also believe that it is imperative to examine if the government of Somaliland is functioning in accordance with the will and goal of the people as stipulated in the constitutional principles of equality, justice, democracy, checks and balances and protection of freedoms and human rights.

The delegates who declared the independence of Somaliland on 18th May 1991 and the people who voted for the Constitution in 2001 agreed the government to be free from the deadly deceases including clannism, favoritism, nepotism, and polarization. They also agreed on the protection of freedom of expression, equal participation in politics, and civil rights.

On the contrary, abuse of power, imprisonment of politicians, and repression of media, politicians, and members of the public who express their opinions are very common in Somaliland. The independence of the judiciary and separation of powers have been severely violated and critical members of the Parliament and members of the opposition parties are arrested. Aid and projects in the government budgets are not allocated justly and with equality for consideration of all the regions of Somaliland.

In clear violation of the founding principles, the thinking and actions of the government of Somaliland are grounded on clannism, favoritism, and nepotism. Employment and other opportunities are tinted by the spoils system. Similar to pre-1991 Somalia, the government is concentrated in a single region, Hargeisa. Except the tax authorities and the security forces, decentralization of administration does not exist in regions, and services are remote from the people.

All citizens who were born in 1991 and after have never voted for members of the Parliament that are supposed to represent them. Unemployment is soaring, inequality and injustice deepened and democracy and respect of freedoms and human rights are in decline.

We believe that the government of Somaliland has dishonored the agreements entered in Buroa Conference convened from 27th April to 5th May 1991, Borama Conference of 24thJanuary to 25th May 1993, and the Constitution of Somaliland (2001).

Consequently, the country became unintegrated politically, economically, and socially in terms of the development of general consensuses, closing gaps that exist between regions and national unity and inclusiveness across the country have been hampered.

Therefore, the signatories of the Peoples’ Declaration call on the government of Somaliland to return to the social contract, respect the constitution, and to come round to democracy, equality, and justice. 

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