Somaliland: The First Public Speech Of President Elect He Mr. Muse Bihi



Translated by Ahmed Hassan Arwo

Today 21 November, 2017, The National Election Commission, declared the wining party of Presidential election, held on 13th November 2013 as the candidates of Kulmiye Party, The ruling Party of Somaliland. Mr. Bihi and his running mate Mr. Abdirahman Saylie won 305,909 votes representing 55.19% of total votes casted. The second  Party Waddani won 226,092 (40.73%), while the third Party, UCID got 23,141  ( 4.17%) of the total vote casted.

Thus Mr. Muse Bihi and Abdirahman Saylie were confirmed as President Elect and Vice President respectfully.

Mr, Bihi was touched emotionally by the margin of the win. He is first ever elected Somaliland President with overwhelming majority. In his first public speech as President elect, he showed humility and spirit of thankfulness. After thanking his followers for the trust they bestowed upon him, he expressed the burden of leadership and his unreserved endeavour to unite the nation . Here under is his speech, translated from Somali.


All thanks to Allah, then to my Kulmiye supporters, and to all citizens of Somaliland. I am humbled and honoured to win the trust of my people with this enormous margin.  I feel intense with the obligation of responsibility. I realise the huge tasks in front of me, to address the immense needs of my people. I shall be President for all, those who voted for me and those who did not.

First and Foremost I appreciate the smooth running of our electoral process, with the outcome of all accepted free and fair election, as a historic landmark for our country. Let me thank the NEC, the Police and National Army, and above all our peace loving, well mannered and democratically oriented public. We did a great job. The whole nation deserves to be praised. It is not Kulmiye’s victory, not mine, but victory for all of us. The Nation won. It is not me and you, it is all of us who succeeded.

Disputes are human nature. Families quarrel. A father and son squabble, so a mother and daughter. We contested an election with exciting campaigns, bruises and scratches happened from all parties. It is nothing but a part of the game. There is no enmity between us and no hard feeling at all. Each one of us wants to develop and secure our national interest. We have different means to do that. We presented these differences to our people and the people decided. That is why we all prevail.

I feel that I am not the sole winner, UCID and WADDANI candidates as well triumphed. They contested peaceful and spotless campaign that attracted the eyes of the world. The congratulations and commendable message from  International Election Observers, the friendly countries and the world at large is the result of our combined undertaking. Together, we made our people proud and put our country celebrated worldwide for its democracy, a rare attribute to a developing country, lest unrecognised one. We raised our status to be recognised as an independent and sovereign nation. A  sacred mission we all seek to accomplish.

I will let no stone unturned to remedy any grudge or resentment any Party feels, I will bring all of us, the three political Parties and their leadership to unite for the common good of our Somaliland. We cannot avoid disunity at these critical times. We have one enemy. That enemy is neither mine nor yours it is our enemy, and we have to unite against him. I welcome my yesterday adversaries as my brothers, with open hand and clean heart to preserve the unity of the nation. United we can move mountains, divided we will fail.

Needless to say, what we share is overwhelmingly more than the tiny differences we have.

Thank You and Allah bless you.

Long live Somaliland, Viva Kulmiye. May peace and Allah’s mercy be with us all.






Ku Xayeysiiso