Hay’adda Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan deegaanka  (UNEP) ayaa qabanaysa tartan dhallinyaro oo heerkiisu Afrika yahay, kuna saabsan dhowrista deegaanka (Young Champions on Earth Competition).  Mid ka mid ah dhallinta sida kama-dambayska isugu soo hadhay (Env Mohamed Yaasiin) waa qof Soomaali ah oo ka soo jeeda Somaliland, waana maskaxda curisay barnaamajka hirgalay ee “Geed Beer, Rajo Beer.”   Barnaamajkaas ayaa isaga iyo diraneyaal kale (volunteers) oo tiradoodu gaadhayso boqollaal, ay ku beereen dhir aad u tiro badan meelo badan oo Somaliland ah.
In aad codayntaada siisaa waxa ay run-ahaantii xoojinaysaa dadaalka iyo ka-go’naanshaha ururkan dhallinyaro si ay hore ugu sii socdaan in ay xaqiijiyaan dal cagaaran.  In aad codayntaada siisaa, sidoo kale, waxa ay saamayn togan ku yeelan kartaa ururrada kale ee la ulajeeddo ah ee ka howl gala meelo kala duwan carriga ay Soomaalidu kaga dhaqan tahay Geeska Afrika.
Si aad u codayso samee tallaabooyinkan:
2. Magacaaga ku qor meesha loo banneeyay
3. Geli e-mailkaaga
4. Dooro qofka aad rabto.  Markanna Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan
5. Gudbi codaynta adiga oo ku dhufanaya “Submit your vote”.  Waxa aad heli doontaa farriin ah in aad ku guulaysatay in aad codayso.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is conducting  Young Champions on Earth Competition.  One of the finalists (Mohamed Abdirahman) is from Somali from Somaliland, and  the brainchild of the successful programme “Geed Beer, Rajo Beer” (Plant a Tree, Plant  Hope) who, together with hundreds of volunteers, has been planting trees in all over Somaliland.
Giving him your vote will definitely further boost the enthusiasm and commitment of this youth –led organization to further their mission to realize a greener country.   It will also have a positive ripple effect on many like-minded youth-led organizations who are operating in the greater Somali Region.
Please go into this link to vote for Mohamed Abdirahman.
1. Write your name in the given space
2. Insert your email address
3. Select the preferred nominee, and finally
4. Submit the vote.
You will get a message confirming that you successfully voted.



Ku Xayeysiiso