Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay xoriyadooda u soo celiso suxufiyiinta xabsiga ku jira.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay xoriyadooda u soo celiso suxufiyiinta xabsiga ku jira.


Cabdirisaaq Dayib Cali oo ka tirsan Haldoornews waxa la xidhay 5tii December 2017 iyad aoo la hor keenay Maxkamadda Gobolka Gabiley 7 December. Maxkamaddu waxaay rumaan garaysay todobo cisho.

 Waxa lagu eedaynayaa waraysi lagu daabacay shabakadda Gabileynews.net. Waraysigaas oo gabadhi ay eedo ugu jeedisay duqa Gabiley, siday ay u xaqiijiyeen Xarunta saraakiil dawladeed iyo Maxamuud Cabdi Jaamac, gudoomiyaha ururka suxufiyiinta ee SOLJA.

 Cabdirisaaq wuxuu u sheegay Xarunta inaanu isagu daabicin oo qaadin waraysigaas oo aanu waxba ku qorin shabakaadaas. Sida uu sheegay, Cabdirisaaq wuxuu sameeyaa shabakadaha (websites) kadibna wuxuu ku wareejiyaa cidda leh. Sidaasdarteed, wuxuu sheegay inuu isagu sameyeey bogga balse aanu lahyn oo maamulin.

 Wuxuu weli ku xidhan yahay xabsiga Gabiley.

 8 October 2017 waxa Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeysa ay ku xukuntay suxufi Maxamed Adan Dirir 18 bilood oo xabsi ah. Qareenkiisa iyo qoyskiisa midna ma joogin dacwadda, sida uu noo sheegay qareenkiisa Mubaarig Cabdi. Dirir waxa la xidhay 16 September 2017 iyada oo lagu eedeyey cay iyo daabacid war been abuur ah oo la xidhiidha qoraalo la sheegay inay ku eedeyeen dugsiga gaarka loo leeyahay ee Noradin in falal anshaxa ka baxsan loola dhaqmo hablaha. Dhegaysiga rafcaan uu qaatay Dirir ayaa mudaysan Arabcada soo socota, 20 December 2017.

Waxaanu madaxwaynaha cusub, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ka codsanaynaa inuu xoriyadooda u soo celiso suxufiyiiintaas xidhan. Waa waajib ay dastuurka iyo xeerarka caalamiga ahi saarayaan dawladda inaan la cabudhin warbaahinta.

Guleid Ahmed Jama

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka

Hargeisa Somaliland


Somaliland: Human Rights Centre calls on the government to release jailed journalists 

Human Rights Centre (HRC) calls on the government of Somaliland to release jailed journalists of Abdirisak Dayib Ali and Mohamed Adan Dirir.

 On 5th December 2017 Abdirisak Dayib Ali, a journalist with Haldoornews website was arrested in Gabiley. He was brought to court on 7th December. The court remanded him seven days into prison, according to court officials


He is accused of taking an interview published in Gabliyenews.net in which a lady made allegations against the mayor of Gabiley, according to government officials who spoke to Human Rights Centre and Mohamoud Abdi Jama, the chairman of Somaliland Journalists Association.

Abdirisak told HRC that he did not take the interview and that he does not write anything on Gabilyenews.net website. According to Abdrisak, he designed the website and handed over its owner in 2015. Abdirisak is a journalist and a web designer.

He is still in Gabiley prison.

On 8th October, 2017 journalist Mohamed Adan Dirir was sentenced to one year and six months in jail by a judge at Hargeisa Regional Court. His lawyer and family were not present at the hearing. They were not informed, according to his lawyer, Mubarig Abdi.  The judge pronounced the judgment on the same day. Dirir was arrested on 16th September, 2017 in Hargeisa. The prosecution accused him of defamation and publishing false news in relation to articles that allegedly accused Noradin School, a private school based in Hargeisa, of misconduct against its female students. The Appeal Court will hear Dirir’s appeal on 20th December 2017.

“We request the new president, Muse Behi Abdi, to release these journalists. Freedom of media is enshrined in the Constitution and the international human rights laws. It is the obligation of the government not to suppress the media,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.


Ku Xayeysiiso